Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I hope to be able to use cloth diapers at home with our second child. Most daycares don't accept cloth diapers, so that leaves disposables as the only option. We may consider switching to them for potty training, but we still have the daycare issue.

I ran across an interesting article about the politics of diapers. If you have the time, it is an interesting read. I will say that the article is strongly biased towards using cloth diapers!

If you are interested in using cloth diapers, but have no clue where to start, Jillian's Drawers has a 21 day trial pack of different cloth diapers. You only pay $10 if you send them all back after 21 days. You pay $100 if you keep them all.

Or you can read through the ZRecs Cloth Diaper Showdown which compares some of the more popular options!

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